In 2005, Kenny Chesney was struggling with his sexuality. He wanted to ignore the negative attention but couldn’t avoid it for long. ..

Kenny Chesney’s marriage to ex-wife and actress Renée Zellweger was the reason for all the misunderstanding. Today we will discuss how Kenny Chesney was considered gay while being a straight man and what he and Renée said about his gender orientation.

Kenny Chesney Was Misunderstood As Gay in 2005 

Kenny Chesney, an American singer and songwriter, never bothered to label his sexuality. It played a significant role in portraying him as homosexual when he and his wife decided to annul their marriage. However, things didn’t go the way the couple thought.

Since they didn’t go for divorce but annulment, it made others think Chesney was not straight but gay, so their marriage wasn’t legal. Chesney may have hidden his actual sexuality from his ex-wife Zellweger, and so she accused him of fraud.

Kenny Zellweger and his wife decided to end their relationship after a long period of silence. However, the rumors of their split continued to circulate for a while, so Kenny decided to speak out about it in an interview with 60 minutes. He explained that he and his wife had been through a lot of pain and that they were both ready to move on.

Kenny Chesney Said He Was Silent About Rumors Because He Knew He Wasn’t Gay

Kenny Chesney made a brave step by explaining his sexuality in an interview with 60 Minutes. He said that he didn’t want to draw any more attention to it and that it’s not true.

The interviewer asked the “Don’t Blink” singer why the couple showed “fraud” as the reason for annulment? Kenny replied, “Well, I mean, we thought that at least harmful was a fraud because it is kind of a broad whatever it is. It doesn’t specify.”

The couple chose “fraud” for annulment because it was the least harmful option. If they had chosen other reasons, they might have gotten into trouble later. ..

Kenny Chesney is not gay. The media made an assumption.

Kenny Chesney’s Ex-Wife Said The Term “Fraud” Has Nothing to Do With His Sexuality 

Renée and Kenny were asked by the media multiple times why they chose “fraud” as the annulment reason. Luckily, Renée opened up about it and according to People magazine, she said that fraud was the best option because it was “the most honest thing to do.” ..

Kenny Chesney has been caught up in a legal battle after saying the word “fraud” had nothing to do with his sexuality. The singer is accused of using the term because it is a legal term, and not because it is true.

Final Words

Kenny Chesney is an excellent singer with a captivating personality. He has been married to his wife for over 10 years and before that, only a few people thought he could be gay. Kenny Chesney is an excellent singer and songwriter who has had a large impact on popular music over the years.

After the news of the marriage annulment of Kenny Chesney and Renée Zellweger spread, many people misunderstood his sexuality.

In 2005, rumors began to circulate that the then-unknown gay man with the pseudonym “Tommy” was gay. The man’s identity was not revealed until 2007, when he finally addressed the rumors in a public statement.

In an interview with 60 Minutes, Chesney not only shared the reason for not splitting through divorce but also shared that he is also gay.