Lio, the model, identifies as non-binary and does not consider themselves part of the traditional sexual orientation.

In 2003, Lio Tipton, then a model and now pansexual, came out as non-binary. It was a watershed moment for the LGBTQ+ community in America, and it was also a time of great change. At the time, there were few options for people who identified as pansexual or non-binary. Lio’s story is unique and inspiring. They faced discrimination and rejection at first, but they persevered and eventually found success in the LGBTQ+ community. They are an example of how you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Lio Tipton Came Out as Non-Binary

On June 3rd, 2021, Lio Tipton posted a picture on their Instagram account where a person of a different color is standing alone in the middle, and at its behind, there are red and blue people. The left side has males, and the right side has females.

The prominent American model has come out as a non-binary person to the world.

The American model added a big caption where they tell what they have been considering themselves. They want to be their own person, and not fit into the box of limited genders.

Lio Tipton, a queer person of color, announced their nonbinary identity on social media. In doing so, they hope to give back to the Pride community and show love and support.

Non-binary people are people who do not identify with the traditional binary gender structure. They may feel they have not fit into one box for a long time. ..

Transitioning to non-binary is a way for me to understand myself outside of how people expect me to. I am pansexual, which is separate from one’s gender identity. ..

It means that we can’t identify Lio as them but as they and them. They want people to define them and not any traditional gender orientation. So who should Leo be dating? As a pansexual, Tipton can pick anybody to be their dating partner.

The actress and model are already dating Chaz Salembier. The couple even publicized their affair in 2019 by posting a picture on Instagram.

Final Words 

Lio Tipton came out as pansexual in a recent interview. This is a big change for the star, who has been known for being straight-laced and traditional. He says that he is not sure what his sexuality means to him, but he is open to exploring it further.

They admitted that they consider themselves someone who doesn’t fit in the traditional gender orientation box. Instead of calling them ‘here,’ we are requested to use ‘them; they’re to identify Tipton.